The Test by Sylvain Neuvel | The most mind-blowing novella!

If you haven’t read «The Test» by Sylvain Neuvel, what are you doing with your life?! It’s incredible! Mind-blowing! Astounding! And many other positive adjectives that I can’t think of right now! 

The best way to experience this novella is to dive into the story blindly. The less you know the more surprised (and shocked!) you’ll be. The blurb for this book is very precise and I think it’s perfectly on point. How many times have we encountered long blurbs that spoiled half of the story? That’s why I tend to avoid reading them at all costs. (I’m the same with movie trailers, btw. Recent trailers are just a summarized version of movies and I don’t like watching them! 😀 )

Continue reading “The Test by Sylvain Neuvel | The most mind-blowing novella!”

The Rogue (Planets Shaken #1) by Lee W. Brainard | The Mishmash of events, people and ideas!

What would you do if you found out that an enormous comet was heading directly towards one of our neighbor-planets, which automatically puts in risk Earth and humankind?

What would you do if you knew that this is not some distant future and you only had a couple more years before the impact that could possibly change everything?  

Combining astronomy discoveries, scientific language and governmental conspiracy, «The Rogue» presents a dystopian world with backdrop of nowadays United States of America, where FBI and Homeland Security are portrayed more like men in black (and I am referring to their attire and not to the famous movie starring Will Smith), and remind a lot KGB in the Soviet Union.

Continue reading “The Rogue (Planets Shaken #1) by Lee W. Brainard | The Mishmash of events, people and ideas!”

Artemis by Andy Weir | 5 Reasons why I disliked Jazz Bashara

Andy Weir’s «The Martian» was a real boom, especially after the movie starring Matt Damon. I admit that I only learned about the book after hearing so much hype around the movie. The novel was astounding! Emotional, yet incredibly witty. Mark Watney was a delight of a character to follow. Science, jokes, life threatening crises – it had everything!

It was very difficult to not compare «Artemis» to «The Martian», and I must say that this new book was not as good as the previous one. Still very entertaining and full of science, but something was missing. Continue reading “Artemis by Andy Weir | 5 Reasons why I disliked Jazz Bashara”

Siberia 56 by Christophe Bec, Alexis Sentenac | An injection of Sci-fi with beautiful illustrations

This was my first ever graphic book from Netgalley. Thank you for the free ARC! Although, a note to my future self: “Do not download graphic books on Kindle, even when it is an available format!” It was definitely a struggle to read. Continue reading “Siberia 56 by Christophe Bec, Alexis Sentenac | An injection of Sci-fi with beautiful illustrations”