

Since I was a little kid, my nose was always in a book (children book, middle grade book, Harry Potter…didn’t matter much). Even now I always carry one with me, either a physical copy or an e-book (when my arms are too sore to lift any more books). 

I created this blog in hopes of finding more people who share the same passion, who love similar books, and to talk to as many like-minded people as possible!

Connect with me on GoodReads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

85 thoughts on “ABOUT

  1. Hi Alex 🙂
    My name is Shaun and I’m an author, just wondering if you consider reviewing books, in exchange for a free ebook copy?
    Here is a link to my YA fantasy novel (Ewan Pendle and the White Wraith) on amazon, so you can have a look and decide if it may or may not be something you would be interested in reading – http://amzn.eu/6FjYTA3
    Thanks for taking the time to consider my enquiry, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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