Most Anticipated Releases | October 2020

From the new book by Stuart Turton, the author of very popular sci-fi thriller «The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle» to a re-publication of «The Tower of Fools» by Andrzej Sapkowski, the author of the Witcher series, October is going to be one of the best book-releases month of this year!

Alix E. Harrow fans will get an opportunity to enjoy your beautiful writing once more, and V.E. Schwab fans get to see a different facet of their favorite author with the Adult / Historical Fiction book – «The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue», which I’m reading (and loving!) right now!

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To Sleep in a Sea of Stars by Christopher Paolini | Part 1 & all the reasons why I want to read this book!

What a journey! I’ve never read the Inheritance Cycle series by Christopher Paolini, although I did hear about it quite a lot, as I’m sure most of you did. «To Sleep in a Sea of Stars» is his new Sci-Fi and essentially a “come-back”, as it’s the first one he publishes in almost 10 years! [The last book of the Inheritance Cycle was published in 2011!]

Even though I have no point of reference to his previous works, I still wanted to be part of the hype and see what this new Sci-Fi is all about. And let me tell you, Christopher Paolini delivered an incredible, well-planned, and emotional science fiction novel!

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Most Anticipated Releases | September 2020

There are so many amazing books coming out next month! The one I’m the most excited about is «To Sleep in a Sea of Stars» by Christopher Paolini. I was lucky to receive an excerpt from NetGalley (and when I say excerpt, it’s probably almost 200 pages long, because this book is a BEAST!). 

I read it in July and loved it! The excerpt ended quite well, actually. It felt more like the first book in a series rather than a part of a bigger novel, so I’m feeling satisfied but very curious to find out what happens next. I’m actually going to break my “no pre-order” rule and purchase this book right now so I can receive it as soon as it is released!

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Most Anticipated Releases | August 2020

Thrillers! Thrillers! Thrillers! August will be the month of many new books in the mystery and thrillers genre. Other than that, it will be a rather quiet month for bookish releases. The Publishers are probably taking their holiday leaves and getting ready for September to surprise us with even more exciting releases. 

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Most Anticipated Releases | July 2020

That’s it! We are officially halfway through the year. I recently saw Dini mentioning how these six months passed very quickly but at the same time it felt like we lived multiple years in a span of just a couple of months and I definitely agree with that. 

July tends to be a “chill” month for book releases. But not this year! I was able to find 9 (NINE!) books I was excited about, and to tell you a little secret, some of them I already read and LOVED! *wink*

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Most Anticipated Releases | June 2020

This summer is going to be full of so many new releases I’m excited about! I was also very lucky to get approved for the most ARCs I requested on NetGalley and now I have over 10 to go through next month. It’s going to be a very long TBR, but hopefully I’ll get to all of them soon.

I picked various books from different genres, so I hope you’ll also find some to add to your TBR, and let me know what other new release you’re excited about!

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Most Anticipated Releases | May 2020

Are you excited for May? 🎁🌸 I sure am! It’s my birthday month and I’m planning to buy a bunch of books as a gift for myself. Most likely the quarantine will still be in force and I will be celebrating at home, but I don’t mind it at all as I will be surrounded by the people I love the most ❤

May is often a very good month for new releases, but this year I was only able to find 8 books I’m excited about. Maybe I missed some? Make sure to leave your most anticipated releases of next month in the comments below!

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Most Anticipated Releases | April 2020

I don’t know about you, but sitting at home drastically increased my desire to buy new books. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Somehow I managed to control myself and not buy every single book off every single website, but I feel my control starting to waive. 

April will be one of the best months for bookish releases! Between Mark Lawrence’s new fantasy book, the continuation of Founders trilogy and the final installment in the “Of Blood and Bone” trilogy by John Gwynne, I surely won’t have much time for anything else (except all my other OWLs books… 😀 ).

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Most Anticipated Releases | March 2020

Every month I look forward to making this type of post. Who doesn’t like to get excited about new books?! There are tons of new amazing books coming out in March and I feel like people are mostly excited about the new Sarah J. Maas and Cassandra Clare books.

I said earlier this year that I won’t be picking up any new books by these two authors, because lately I’ve been disappointed by their new releases, even though I loved the Throne of Glass and the Mortal Instruments series.

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Most Anticipated Releases | February 2020

This is one of my favorite posts to prepare every month! It helps me discover new books that maybe weren’t on my radar yet, and it also allows me to share my excitement for all new books with you, guys!

February will be the “thriller” month – from new Mary Kubica book (who doesn’t love Mary Kubica?!) to some amazing debuts that sound incredible – I just hope that I’ll be able to purchase / get most of these and read this year.

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Most Anticipated Releases | January 2020

I think I’m going through a reading identity crisis! 

With all yearly wrap up posts, stats, and graphs, I had the chance to analyze my reading, see what books I tend to pick up and give higher ratings to. What I learned was that over the past couple of years I slowly decreased the amount of YA books I read and instead reached more towards Adult books. 

This is all very new to me and I’m still trying to see what exactly I love in books. While I’m brainstorming and figuring out my reading preferences, I thought I’d join Top Ten Tuesday meme this week and share with you all of my most anticipated releases of this month (which are mostly Adult Fiction and Thrillers)!

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Most Anticipated Releases | November 2019

November will be the month of catching up. I already feel the pressure of getting all things done before the end of the year, prepare for the Christmas season and just try to stay on top of things in preparation for 2020.

Publishers must feel the same because November is marked by many releases of next-in-the series books that I’m very excited about!

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Most Anticipated Releases | October 2019

Autumn is usually filled with new releases. This October won’t be an exception. Even though there are more there hundreds of books coming out this month, I was very picky and chose my top 5 that I’m the most excited about!

One of them I already started reading, and let me tell you – it’s incredible!

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Most Anticipated Releases | September 2019

September begins with some very exciting new releases! It’s interesting how hyped I get about the last books in the series I haven’t even started yet, but we will blame it on the bookish community and my sensitivity to all things bookish.

In my defense, I already own the first two Nevernight books so it’s only a matter of actually reading them.

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Most Anticipated Releases | August 2019

It’s officially the 6th day of NEWTs, and I’ve yet to read any of the books from my readathon TBR. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Instead I picked up «Normal People» by Sally Rooney (It’s amazing btw!) and spent many hours looking at the upcoming releases.

There are some very exciting books coming out this month (i.e. «The Passenger» by John Marrs) and I was very lucky to get two ARCs – «Bursts of Fire», which I’m planning to read asap, and «Keeping Lucy» that I read in June!

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