Authors I discovered this year| And other honorable mentions!

This year has been amazing so far in terms of new genres, new releases and new-to-me authors. There were quite a lot of them that I would like to read more from, considering that their books made it to my 2017 favourites list that I will be sharing with all of you closer to the end of this year.

Surprisingly, almost all of them write General Fiction novels and it’s not a genre I pick up often, but when I do, it usually turns out to be a great experience. Maybe I should dedicate more of my reading time to Adult Fiction? Growing up is a very complicated process, especially when your reading tastes grows with you.


It felt right to start this post with Katherine Arden, especially because her book does not leave my Instagram pages even for one week! Her debut novel «The Bear and the Nightingale» made a huge appearance in the beginning of 2017, winning the hearts of thousands readers. Honestly, I cannot praise it enough! The writing, the atmosphere, the small details of Russian folklore made it one of my favourite books of all time.

«The Bear and the Nightingale» has over 15.000 feedback on GoodReads with an average rating of 4.13 stars. Katherine’s second book «The Girl in the Tower» will be published early next year and I was lucky enough to receive an advanced copy of this installment!

sb_lisa_koThe next author who sparked my interest was Lisa Ko and her debut novel «The Leavers». Unfortunately, I haven’t seen a lot of feedback on this book and feel like it deserves so much more attention. Her novel won the 2016 PEN/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction and is such a captivating story! I couldn’t find any information on Lisa’s future projects, but I am already anticipating anything she will present before the reading world.

transferirTo continue the trend of new Authors and debut novels, Clare Fisher also stood out by her incredible, soulful writing in «All the Good Things». I distinctly remember when and where I read her book, how it made me cry and smile and cry some more. Absolutely beautiful writing and such an emotional story, that it was difficult not to fall in love with it from the very first pages.

Clare knows how to balance just the right amount of mystery, drama and heart touching episodes, that will hook you till the very last sentence.

Finally, the Author I discovered this year by reading her newest novel «Every Last Lie» was Mary Kubica. I can’t believe that I haven’t read any of her novels before, especially considering my eternal love towards thrillers! It is something I will need to fix very soon and I am thinking to start with «The Good Girl» as I only heard good things about it, and it is usually recommended to «Gone Girl» fans!


Speaking about «Gone Girl», I couldn’t finish this post and not mentions three of my favourite authors, whose books I will buy without any hesitations and they are – Gillian Flynn, Paula Hawkins and Dan Brown!

Also, how excited are you about Dan Brown’s new novel «Origin» that is coming out this October?!

That is it for my new favourite authors!

Whose books you buy and pre-order without second guesses?

With love,


8 thoughts on “Authors I discovered this year| And other honorable mentions!

      1. I know! I want to read it now too! I wanted to wait until the weather gets colder and did consider saving it as a Christmas present for myself, but I definitely won’t be able to wait that long. I was aiming for end of November because I’m sure things will get busy around then and I don’t want to rush it. But if I start seeing reviews, I’m going straight in 😂


  1. I haven’t heard of these authors until now and I seriously need to remedy this! Will definitely check all those books out after posing this comment. 😛 Speaking of instant-buy authors, mine are Mitch Albom, John Green, Jennifer Niven and (maybe) Susan Ee! I love their books so much that I totally trust their future works. 😀

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