The Reasons why I don’t Re-Read books anymore!

Every time I see someone re-reading their favorite books, I get transported to my teens when all I did was re-read books over and over again. To the point that I knew them all by heart. The most notable re-reads back then were (1) the Harry Potter series, (2) The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, (3) children’s detective novels and (4) some witty and funny adult crime fiction. 

I wanted to justify my re-reading phase with the fact that I didn’t have that many unread books on my shelves, but that’s not entirely true. My grandfather spent most of his life collecting books, which was very difficult to do in the URSS. Most of the available books were propaganda, and foreign authors were forbidden for many years. There even was an “underground” book trade business. 

He collected waste paper and then traded it for books (one of the only ways to obtain new books back then), and later on, after USRR years, my mom and my grandmom used to buy newer books, mostly pocket-sized ones, from these traders next to Metro stops. Great years! 😀 

The living room at my grandma’s place always had bookshelves filled with books, so I definitely had a wide range of books to choose from. They weren’t exactly the newest releases, and most of them were classics, and we all know how children feel about reading boring classics. Lol 

I stopped reading for many years after I moved to Portugal, only picking it back up in 2015, and starting my blog in 2016. The new phase in my reading life will always be associated with this blog, and since then I haven’t re-read a single book!


1 – Time 

The first and the main reason is time or lack of it. There are so many distractions nowadays, more things are expected of us. During the workdays, I rarely find time to read books, and if I do it’s only for 30 minutes to an hour. I would love to be able to read more books in a month, but there are so many other things that need my attention. I’m sure all of you can relate to this. 

2 – Bookish social media 

The second reason is the number of videos and posts I read about books! The bookish community grew up immensely in the last 5-6 years. There are so many people out there talking about books, sharing their reading experiences, recommending their favorite books. All of this means that I have more books on my radar than I did when I was younger.

3 – Blog 

It might sound strange because this blog was created out of love for books and reading, but it’s a lot of work! You, guys, know better than anyone else how much time and effort goes into each blog post, each Instagram post. We need to be aware of things people are talking about, new book releases, new authors, just to stay relevant and produce interesting content.

4 – ARCs, NetGalley & Guilt

Another weird reason for not re-reading books is the feeling of guilt! My ARC TBR is out of control, and just the thought of re-reading books makes me feel guilty for spending time on books I already read when I could be reading those ARCs that have been on my TBR for months (sometimes years…)

5 – The feeling of completion

When I’m done reading a book I want to close it and move on. Maybe that’s the pressure I’m feeling by having so many unread books that I want to go from one to another as quickly as possible, or maybe I like finishing tasks, but once I’m done reading I don’t feel the need to revisit that world or that particular story again.

The main reason for not re-reading books is definitely lack of time. However other factors are just as important. And honestly, I don’t feel the need to re-read books at this stage of my life. The last couple of years have been so hectic and busy that I kinda learned to love the constant “go-go-go” feel of it, but I always treasure those moments when I can take some time off my life and dive into a magical world. 

Do you re-read books? How often? Or if you don’t, tell me why!
Let’s chat in the comments below!

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41 thoughts on “The Reasons why I don’t Re-Read books anymore!

  1. Great post! I rarely reread books these days whereas when I was a child I constantly reread books. And I think a lot of it has to do with new book access: the library system has vastly improved here from my childhood when it was quite limited, I’m constantly hearing about new titles etc and all this means that I don’t find myself wanting to reread my old favs because what if this new shiny book is a new fav just waiting to be discovered! But every once in a while the urge for something familiar will take over and I’ll pick up a previously read book. I only did it once in the whole of last year when I read 170 ish books…so it’s really not a regular occurrence!

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    1. Yeah! Same here, I LOVED to re-read books, it was my favorite thing to do. To revisit the same worlds, the same characters. Sadly, the library here is not so great, but I have NetGalley and huge shelf with many unread books so there are definitely tons of options for me of books to read next. 😀

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  2. Love this post! I’m not much of a re-reader and in fact, I never really re-read a book (save for when I was a kid) until I started getting into the book community last year! Since then I’ve also only re-read two books (I think) and that’s because I was getting ready to read a sequel or I wanted to write a review for it. I don’t really have a reason for why I never re-read books before though… Time might have something to do with it but I think I just liked preserving the original feeling I had when reading a book for the first time and then just leaving it at that first impression. I don’t think I’ll ever become a big re-reader (and that’s definitely to do with all the books on my TBR, the e-ARCs and FOMO for all the new books lol) but I think I might still end up doing one or two a year and most probably to refresh my memory before continuing with a series!

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    1. Oh, that’s a good reason as well that I didn’t think of when writing this post! But I definitely agree with you. I remember thinking if I should reread Eleanor Oliphant (because I love it so much and it was my favorite book of 2017) but then decided against it, because I was scared I wouldn’t like it the same way. I feel like our favorite books often became the favorite ones because they were read at the right time, and rereading them might ruin that amazing first impression.
      I do, however, need to get into the habit of either binge reading series or rereading the previous books before reading the new one, because I tend to like the sequels less after waiting too long for them to come out.


  3. Although I completely understand your position, as someone who literally just finished re-reading a book yesterday, I could never stop rereading.

    One of the things that happens to me sometimes is I encounter a new favorite and I can’t help but make comparisons when I’m reading a new book (if it’s the same genre/shares some qualities) and ultimately wish this or that book was more similar to my favorite… and so I’ll end up wanting to reread it.. Or I’ll wish I could read that book for the first time again, and if it’s been enough time, it almost feels like that.

    I’m not trying to convince you to reread or anything like that, I’m just saying I’m likely going to be a rereader forever but I totally get what you’re saying. And I def reread less now that have easier/more access to new books/books I want to read.

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    1. Ahah, oh this is perfect! The first “name” of this post was “Why I don’t reread books anymore | Please convince me otherwise” 😀 So I’m so happy to see comments of people who love rereading books and do it fairly often!
      I need to re-read the previous books in the series more often because I tend to not like the sequels purely because I don’t remember things anymore. lol

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    1. Thank you, love! This is one of the reasons I don’t re-read actually (that I forgot to mention in my post). Because I’m scared I won’t love the book the same way… But you have a good point there, rereading could be a way to see how my tastes change throughout the years.

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  4. I fully understand your points, especially the time and blog ones, I really feel you there. 😣 I think it’s a super interesting discussion! I personally LOVE to re-read but because it feels good you to me, you know? I usually do it when I feel slumpy or miss some characters a lot. 😊
    I’m a nostalgic reader 😅❤️

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    1. Aaah, yes! See, that’s why I love these discussions! It allows me to see more reasons in favor of rereading books, so maybe I’ll start doing it at some point as well (when I stop feeling guilty about it 😀 ) but getting out of the reading slump is a VERY good reason to re-read a favorite book!


  5. I tend to reread my absolute favorites, mostly because I love the story so much I want to keep living in it!! I don’t tend to reread books I was iffy about though, unless there’s something particular about that story.

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  6. I completely agree with you, and your points are 100% valid!
    I don’t re-read a lot because of the same reasons, I don’t have the time to. What I’ve tried to do if I want to re-read a book, especially if I own it, I’ll read it a chapter a day because that way it gives me time to read my, what I call, my “main” book which the one I’m currently reading and still re-read my favourites, plus I get to spend more time with it!
    I’m also with you, I love the feeling of finishing a book, I love the completion I feel like a sense of accomplishment!
    Great post, I thoroughly enjoyed and related to it! 🙂

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    1. Thank you, hun! I hope you’re staying safe and healthy!
      I think I like the idea of re-reading books, but don’t really feel the need to re-read any books at the moment 😀 There are just so many new ones out there!!! But I like your advice of reading it one chapter at a time, let it be the “secondary” book.

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      1. I know right?! I just want to read all the new books! But yes, the chapter a day thing works the best for me. I’ve done it with a lot of book over the years!
        I’m staying safely inside, I hope you’re safe and healthy too! 🙂

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  7. There are so many new books being released all the time and so many backlist books on my tbr list that I want to read that makes rereading books hard but I’ve always loved rereading anyway and recently I’ve been rereading a lot of my favourite books and I’ve loved being back in the worlds of them again. This is such an interesting topic and I love hearing other people’s opinions on it!

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    1. It wonderful how different we all are! I love the idea of re-reading my favorite books, maybe I will eventually add it to “reading routine”. It would be a great away to combat reading slumps!


  8. Great post! I’m a rereader. I love it so much that when I realized I’d only reread 4 books in 2019 because of my out-of-control ARC tbr, I put myself on a requesting ban until I had it under control so I could return to rereading a few books a month. I finally got caught back up on my ARCs and I’m currently rereading The Infernal Devices series by Cassandra Clare (for about the third time) in anticipation of Chain of Gold. I have a terrible memory, so one of the reasons I reread is to refresh my memory when I’m continuing a series. But I also just love to revisit the book worlds I love. I can totally understand why you don’t reread, but I will always be a rereader. ❤

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    1. Oh, I love that! Re-reading series is definitely something I need to do more often, especially before the release of the next installments. I feel like my enjoyment of sequels is not as big mostly because I don’t remember much from the previous books 😀 Lol

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  9. I love your post and completely understand what you mean with all of your points! I very rarely reread a book and if I do, I usually just listen to the audiobook as my reread so that I can dedicate my free time to reading other books. There’s just way too many books that I want to read (and need to read in the case of ARCs), so there really isn’t much time to reread all my favorites. Audiobook rereads work perfect though for long car rides or if you’re doing mindless work or things. Other than that, I don’t really reread books either.

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    1. Yes! Audiobooks would be perfect! I often struggle to focus on audiobooks but if I’ve read the book before and know what it’s about, it will be much easier to listen to the audiobooks!
      I’m using Scribd now, they offered free 30 days without the need to add credit card 😀 So I registered yesterday and already almost done with Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. Yay!

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  10. I have never been one to re read usually bc I believe it can never be as good as the first time I read it… however I have been feeling the urge to re read a couple of favs recently. Totally relate to the lack of time, life getting in the way, and net galley guilt!! Great discussion!

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    1. Thank you so much! I love seeing what other people think about this subject, so many seem to agree that time is the main reason against re-reading. I’m sure that readers who don’t have blog posts to write and blog hopping to keep up with, re-read way more often 😀 But I wouldn’t trade my blog for any re-read! Lol

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  11. I love your post!
    I have to admit that I do have a few guilty rereads. I agree that now I have ARC’s, book social media, my blog and less time (darn you school!) that I just cannot reread my favourites anymore.
    I make an effort to reread one book a year, but a lot of the time that book is part of a series / trilogy and I just can’t bring myself to neglect the rest of them. It’s too hard!
    Wonderful post!
    – Emma 🙂

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    1. Thank you so much, hun! ❤
      There are just too many new releases available to us nowadays that re-reading books seem like a waste. But I'd love to re-read at least one book per year. Maybe I should make it my yearly goal?


  12. I miss re-reading books but I completely understand what you’re saying! There’s so much going on in our personal lives and we never want to miss anything on social media, so that leaves us with so little time to read, we want to make it count! I’m thinking about re-reading a few books this year to see how I feel about it, but I definitely want to prioritize new books!! ^^

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  13. That’s a great post, and I share your views too – there are too many books out there and re-reading sometimes comes the very last in one’s list of priorities. My grandmother in Russia also had big library, but there were many foreign titles on those shelves, too. I mean, what Soviet child wasn’t brought on Italian “Cipollino” or knew nothing about French “The Three Musketeers”? In USSR, it depended what kind of foreign literature? – and some that supported certain collectivist aims, etc., were deemed good, surely.

    I think when it comes to certain classics in particular, it is impossible not to re-read them – some books even improve with each re-read. I think I will always be a constant re-reader of Dickens, Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky and Balzac as long as I live. The same goes for brainy books where there is much going on. I remember I re-read The Secret History three times because I, like the rest, missed certain clues of what was really going on in Henry’s circle at the time of the deaths.

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    1. Thank you so much! And that’s a very good point! Classics do tend to get better with each re-read as we notice more things, understand more of the “hidden” clues. It’s been a while since I picked up a classic tbh. I’ve been reading only ARCs and law books recently 😀


  14. I don’t re read books…. For me also the main reason is time, because whenever I feel like re reading a book I feel that I am wasting time as I already know the story of the book I am re reading and I could have spend that time knowing another story, but I chose to re read.

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      1. I actually never had the habit of re reading because when I was younger I used to get 95% of my books from school library and I had to always return them after 2 weeks so I was not able reread them… so I guess that is why maybe i don’t re read now also….

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  15. I used to reread books all the time, but for reasons similar to yours I’ve stopped. Since I’ve started blogging I’ve been exposed to more books than ever, and I’m constantly swamped trying to keep up with all of those books. Then there’s the added stress of ARC reviews and Netgalley…so when I do have extra time to read, I don’t usually think to pick up something that I’ve already read.

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  16. I reread quite a lot of books last year, and I think I’ve had my fill! If I keep on at it, I’ll end up rereading so many backlist books (which I’m basically doing now), so I don’t get to enjoy the thrill of a new release as much as other bloggers!

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