Bookish Naughty or Nice | Book Tag

Were you naughty or nice this year? 

This is a perfect book tag to find out if Santa Claus will be visiting you tomorrow night! I found this at Genie in a Novel, but it was originally created by Jenniely, make sure to visit their blogs! 

I decided to follow the “rules” and see if I answer “Yes” to more than 10 of these prompts, in which case I’d definitely need to watch my bookish behaviour next year… Let’s get started!

1 – Received an ARC and not reviewed it. Yes. There were definitely a few ARCs that I marked as “Will not give feedback” on NetGalley – one excerpt, one graphic novel and one novel set during Christmas time that I never got around to actually read. I reviewed almost 150 books on NetGalley, so I’m not to bothered by those 3.
2 – Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley No. I probably had it once, when I joined, but my rating stayed above 85% for over two years now.
3 – Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did) Yes. I definitely did that… But I’m sure I’ve erased it since. 😀
4 – Folded down the page of a book Yes. Normally, I never do that. But when I was reading «Gardens of the Moon» I didn’t have a pen and paper near me, and there were a lot of scenes that I wanted to mark for later. So far, it’s the only book with folded down pages.
5 – Accidentally spilled on a book Yes. I don’t really remember, but it must have happened at some point in my life.
6 – DNF a book this year Yes. I DNF’d three books this year. Although I definitely should have DNFed more books, some of them were too painful to finish.
7 – Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it No. I do purchase some books because of the beautiful cover or spine, but always with the intention to read it.
8 – Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework) Yes. Oh… All the time…
9 – Skim read a book Yes. Again, something I don’t normally do. But there were two books this year that I just couldn’t get through, so I skimmed the last 30% – «Ten Thousand Doors of January» and «Kingdom of Souls».
10 – Completely missed your Goodreads goal No. 🙂 I usually set my GR goal at 50 books, and so far I always to manage to read at least 50 books per year.
11 – Borrowed a book and not returned it No. I don’t think I ever did that, I generally don’t like to borrow books from people and I don’t use the local library.
12 – Broke a book buying ban No. I’ve never set a book buying ban for myself, as I don’t buy THAT many books anyway.
13 – Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about Yes. I’m sure this is something that happens to 90% of book bloggers 😀
14 – Wrote in a book you were reading No. If I ever did, I 100% used a pencil.
15 – Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads No. I’m very addicted to GoodReads… I will update it in the middle of the night if necessary. Lol
16 – Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend No. As I mentioned before, I don’t like borrowing books.
17 – Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book Yes. As much as I don’t like borrowing books, I don’t like lending them either. Unless! I know the person will treat them well and return quickly (not after a year!)
18 – Broke the spine of someone else’s book No. That would be a crime!
19 – Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged No. I always read hardcovers without jackets, but they are all still in pristine conditions. 😀
20 – Sat on a book accidentally Maybe? No? I’ll say no, but it might have happened many many many years ago.


That was close! But I guess Santa Claus is coming to my house this Christmas! 🙂 I know I tagged some of you in my previous book tag, but I had so much fun doing this one, I really hope that you’ll love it to and maybe still manage to do it before Christmas? #nopressure 😀

Tags: Jenna | Sofi | Holly | Nikki | Samantha | Marta | Jill | Kait

1 – Received an ARC and not reviewed it  
2 – Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley
3 – Rated a book on goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)
4 – Folded down the page of a book
5 – Accidentally spilled on a book
6 – DNF a book this year
7 – Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it
8 – Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)
9 – Skim read a book
10 – Completely missed your Goodreads goal
11 – Borrowed a book and not returned it
12 – Broke a book buying ban
13 – Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about
14 – Wrote in a book you were reading
15 – Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads
16 – Borrowed a book and not returned it to a friend
17 – Dodged someone asking if they can borrow a book
18 – Broke the spine of someone else’s book
19 – Took the jacket off a book to protect it and ended up making it more damaged
20 – Sat on a book accidentally

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8 thoughts on “Bookish Naughty or Nice | Book Tag

  1. I feel so identified about Goodreads, I’m so addicted to the page too that it’s very rare that I forget to add some book there, it’s also like my definitive guide for books! 😅
    Thank you SO SO much for the tag, beautiful! I already made the tag, actually and it was a lot of fun. 🥰 I loved reading your answers, and I want to take the moment to tell you how much I appreciate having met you, I adore your blog with all my heart and I hope that 2020 is full of wonderful moments for you ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Every time I start a book or make some progress (even a couple of pages), or finish it, I just HAVE to update my progress on GoodReads. Lol

      And thank you so much, honey! ❤ I'm also very glad that I met you this year! You're one of the most loving and kind people of this community and I hope that next year we continue to grow our friendship! Merry Christmas to you, your mom (who definitely deserves some magical Christmas time) and all your family! ❤ 🎅🤶🎄

      Liked by 1 person

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