Why do I love being a Book Blogger?

For my blog’s 1 year anniversary in the month of March I decided to share with you all the reasons why I love to blog. There is no specific date, but last month in 2016 was when I finally got over my fears and created this wonderful thing that consumes all of my free time!

This started of as “my own space where I can store all the memorable bookish moments” and turned out to be “thoughts shared with hundreds of other readers and book lovers” and that is truly wonderful!

What did the blogging life give me? And why do I love it so much?

The opportunity to stay creative. This coming from someone who doesn’t know what creative even means!

I am one of those people who doesn’t draw, or sing, or dance, or write but envious of everyone who possesses some sort of gift. (I can touch my nose with my tongue, I am a truly gifted person!)

This blog gives me all the drive I need to express myself as much as possible, to spend all day in photoshop messing with new ideas and try my best to translate what I envision in my head to the world wide web.

The opportunity to learn new things and skills. I took an online course about web writing, I read tons of posts and articles about HTML and coding, I’ve done many lessons on Photoshop and all of it just to improve and be better at one of my favourite hobbies.

The opportunity to read more and read diverse. When you join bookish community on any social media, there is a constant influx of new books, bookish discussions, reviews, and beautiful covers.

(A) Until my blog, I was mainly a crime / thriller reader who occasionally re-read Harry Potter and maybe a romance here and there. Basically, during my entire life, until the beginning of last year, I read what I could find / what was already in my family’s library and rarely made my own choices about the books I wanted to read.

(B) Nowadays, I read diverse. I read most of the genres out there and try to stay up to date with upcoming releases. It’s hard work to be a book blogger, it takes time away from reading and you need to fit it in somewhere because reading and blogging coexist, but it’s 100% worth it!

The opportunity to discuss and see others’ points of view. It’s great to read books. But it’s even better to have hundreds of people to discuss it with! All of us are so different, we all see the world from completely different perspectives – as a result we will all have different opinions about the same book, paragraph, sentence and even personal experiences that we can share with each other.

The opportunity to make new friends. New friends are always welcome! I don’t think there is a need to elaborate on this topic any further. I met so many incredible and nice people during that last year and I am very thankful for that.

This blog became a part of me and I don’t see myself stopping any time soon!


10 thoughts on “Why do I love being a Book Blogger?

  1. I loved the post! Your reasons for loving blogging are basically the same as mine, haha The best part is definitely the friends! Happy 1 year anniversary 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this post Alex! I totally agree on all the reasons book blogging is great! Really happy to have met you and discovered your blog!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I completely agree! It’s so great to see so many people come together to show their love of books, and we’re all so different that it really gives for so many points of views and to open our minds on things we’ve never thought of before! Great post! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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