6 Book Series I would have loved more if I’d read them as a child!

“The whole world opened up to me when I learned to read”
– Mary McCleod Bethune

I won’t be sharing embarrassing photos of me as a kid today [I might save them for my birthday post]. But we will be talking about a much younger version of me. Interestingly enough, my taste in books hasn’t really changed a lot since I was a kid. I still read fantasy and thrillers/detective novels, and love them with all my heart! 😀 

Last year, I made a handy dandy infographic of My Reading Journey that I will leave linked here if you’re interested to see what books and genres I loved during certain periods of my life. 

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic is – Books I wish I had read as a child. I wanted to take it a step further and talk about the book series, I would have loved so much more if I’d read them as a child.

undefined1 – «Little Women» by Louisa May Alcott and the sequels!
The book that instantly came to mind when I was preparing this list was «Little Women» by Louisa May Alcott. I read it at the end of last year, before watching the new movie adaptation starring Emma Watson and Saoirse Ronan, and I adored it. But I think that 10-12 years-old-me would have loved this book so much more! It would be one of those treasure books to re-read every week and memorize quotes from.
undefined2 – Nancy Drew series by Carolyn Keen
I still haven’t read Nancy Drew, but I know myself and I know that back in the days, my absolute favorite books were children detectives series. I read so many of them! And there were two that I particularly loved and re-read probably over 100 times.
undefined3 – The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis
The movies were amazing! Probably the Chronicles of Narnia fans will disagree, but as I watched them before reading the books, the actors really stuck with me. I was already out of high school when I picked up the books for the first time, and even though I enjoyed them, I would have loved them much more as a child.
undefined4 – His Darl Materials by Philip Pullman
This is a recent read for me. I finished the trilogy in January of last year, and to be honest I didn’t love it. There was no connection between me and the characters, which is a crucial part of these book series.
We also attempted to watch the TV show and didn’t like it either. 
I own the Book of Dust and I do want to read it, but at the same time I’m not sure if I’ll love it, so I keep pushing it back, to the bottom of my TBR pile.
undefined5 – A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket
Confession time! I’ve never read these books. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I’ve never even heard of them before the Netflix show came out. I really liked the show though. Must count for something. 😀
undefined6 – Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan
And any of Rick Riordan series for that matter. I read the first three books in the Percy Jackson series last year. They were… alright. I didn’t love them as much as I hoped to, and in general, was disappointed by them. But I know for sure that I would have loved them so much if I’d read them as a child.

Even in my late twenties, I still read and love children’s books and middle-grade. They are the ultimate comfort reads for me. But I know that some of them I will never be able to enjoy as much as a younger me would have. 

What other books or book series do you think you would have loved more as a child? 
Let’s chat in the comments below!

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40 thoughts on “6 Book Series I would have loved more if I’d read them as a child!

  1. I’ve only ever read the first Nancy Drew book. I was 9 and thought it was pretty great. I agree on Percy Jackson. I’m just reading it now in my 30s. I think had I read it when I was younger it would have been a different reading experience for sure.

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    1. I remember being obsessed with detective series for children, so Nancy Drew would have been perfect. 🙂 And yeah… I liked the first Percy Jackson book, but not the 2nd and 3rd, and I feel like I should continue reading the series or I’ll ruin the idea of it for myself. Lol


  2. Tbh I wonder a lot if I would enjoy middle grade books when I was younger (I started reading when I was 12/13). I love them now, maybe one of my favorite genres, but I read a lot of YA and even adult fantasy when I was younger (like 14/15) so I def had different reading preferences 😅 who knows. Frankly, most of the MG I read is in English and not translated into Portuguese so I wouldn’t have read them probably.

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  3. I love Percy Jackson! I haven’t read Little Women or Nancy Drew mystery stories yet. I own them but haven’t actually read them, haha. I should probably fix that soon. Great choices on this list, fab post Alex 🙂

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  4. Oh man, I adored Little Women as a kid. I read it right in age range you mentioned, around 10-12, and Jo was my absolute role model for a couple years (hot take for us book bloggers, I know). Percy Jackson was another fantastic series – wish I could go back and read them for the first time again. These are great picks!

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    1. Thank you! And omg, I’m so jealous 😀 I’m not sure if I’d want to be Jo or Meg though, or maybe even Beth. I feel like reading this book at different points in life definitely changes the way we see characters.

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  5. Most of these series I have read… and I read them all as an adult 😅The only one I read as a kid was a Series of Unfortunate Events! I hope you do read them one day because they were so interesting and fun to read! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s too bad about Percy Jackson, but you can’t love them all!
        Oh I loved the Book of Dust! I still have to read the second book, but the first was SO good! I don’t know if that sways your opinion any 😉

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  6. I feel sad that you didn’t get to experience the joy of Nancy Drew as a little kid. I read so many of those titles it’s not funny! And reread and reread! I basically used to dream of growing up to be Nancy. I wanted her friends, her boyfriend, her car…. ah shallow shallow me. Wanting the cool car she drove. It was an American brand so it seemed very fancy and exotic to little me 😂😂😂

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    1. I read a similar detective series when I was little, and just as you I read and re-read the books over and over again. There was this one particular book where they went to Paris, and that was my biggest dream of all, to some day go to Paris and visit all the places they did. It was a fantastic series! 😀

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  7. So many of these I still haven’t read and are sitting on my bookshelf just waiting. I have always felt like Percy Jackson would have been another Harry Potter for young me, but alas it never got picked up. This was a really interesting post. Loved it!

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  8. Little Women and Narnia made my list, as well! I’ve also never read Nancy Drew, but I think I would have loved them as a child. I’m not sure why I never did pick them up. Great list!

    My Top Ten Tuesday

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  9. Great post. I read Percy Jackson when I was younger and loved it. I still do enjoy it but I think I love it partly because I enjoyed so much as a child. If that makes sense?

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    1. Makes perfect sense! There are so many books that I’ve read during a certain period of my life and loved them, that I’m kinda scared to re-read because I might not love it as much anymore. 🙂


      1. A game? There’s a game series of like 30+ titles! 😂 Oh you’ll enjoy them so much, I’m jealous. 😁 I played each one 3 times xD My favorite ones are the ghostly ones like Ghost of Thornton Hall, The Captive Curse, Shadow at the Water’s Edge, The Haunting of Castle Malloy, so I recommend those, though I love each single one. 😁 They are all on Steam, enjoy. 😊

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    1. Yeah, makes sense. I think there are certain books that just read better as a child, especially the ones made for children. That’s what I often encounter in middle-grade books as well, although most of them I still can enjoy, and some are even more interesting to read as an adult because we can see all the “hidden” messages. 🙂


  10. So I actually *did* read the Chronicles of Narnia when I was younger…but I boycotted the last book because of how Susan turned out 😂 To this day, I still can’t believe I made it that far & then gave up! I also gave up on A Series of Unfortunate Events (although much earlier in the series) because despite the NAME OF THE SERIES, I kept getting disappointed every time we were robbed of a happy ending 😂

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  11. Uuuuh yes, I wanna see baby Alex pics!! 😛
    I actually don’t think I’d have liked Little Women when I was younger. It’s such a big book and I bet I’d have found their domestic routines boring. However, I wish I had read Percy Jackson when I was a kid! It’d have meant the world to me!! ❤

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    1. 😀 I was going to prep a bday post with baby photos, but it will take solo much time to have them digitalized. Lol I’ll work on it for next bday instead, but I have something fun prepared anyway [well, I think it’s fun 😀 ]

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