My Blogging Routing (Part 2) | Scheduling & Color Coding!

Hi, guys! As promised, here is Part 2 of my blogging routine! 🥳

In the first part, I spoke about the tools I use every day that help me to stay on track with blogging, but also with other numerous daily tasks. I shared with you my love for Google Calendar and Google Docs and explained a little bit about what type of events I track on my calendar, how I color code my blog posts, and basically how I attempt to stay organized. So you can find all of that here: My Blogging Routine (Part 1)

Today, I wanted to dive a bit deeper into my organization method and share my weekly schedule when it comes to blogging. Or at least, the schedule I try to keep up with, but it doesn’t always go the way I want it to. 😀  Also, Marie @ Drizzle and Hurricane Books recently posted her organizational tips and how she plans book blog content! Make sure to check out her post as well. 🙂


It’s not easy to figure out a schedule that works for you, and mine undergo many changes over the years. There was a time when I didn’t have a schedule at all and was posting whenever I had a post ready. This meant that sometimes I posted every single day, and other times I skipped a day or two [or a week]

I don’t really think that having a schedule is mandatory. We all have different amount of time that we can put into blogging, and that’s something we need to figure out for ourselves. Personally, I always tried to keep a steady schedule, but it never worked out well until the end of last year.

As much as I love blogging and interacting with you, guys, and as much as I would love to post every single day. It’s just not possible for me. I often work until very late and on the weekends, which makes it impossible to keep up with 7 blog posts every single week. After much thought, I decided to limit myself to only 3 posts per week

The second dilemma was on what days of the weeks I’d be posting. I love participating in Top Ten Tuesday meme, so Tuesday had to stay. On the other hand, I don’t like posting on Fridays or the weekend, because that’s usually the time I dedicate to next week prep. It turns out, that my “ideal” schedule to post is Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! 😀

Besides figuring out the days when I wanted for my posts to go up, I also needed to figure out when I would be writing posts, editing them, taking photos, blog hop, etc.:

  1. When do I write and prepare blog posts?

Usually on Friday evenings! That’s why I like to not have any posts go up on Friday, so I can dedicate the evening to preparing blog posts for next week. Sometimes this doesn’t work, particularly on Fridays that I work late, then I try to get everything done on Saturday morning [morning often leads to afternoon and evening 😀 ]. 

I know that if I at least sit down and write all three posts on Friday evening, then on Saturday I will only need 2-3 hours to edit and prepare photos / graphics, and then I’m free to read or do other things.

  1. When do I reply to comments & blog hop?

Blog hopping, as you all know, takes a long time. I try to blog hop every single day to stay on top of my WordPress notifications. I’m usually better at it on the week days and slack a bit on the weekend. Lol 

I also try to reply to the comments every single day, but sometimes it’s not possible, and that’s why I don’t post on Wednesdays so I can have that day to reply to all of your lovely comments on Monday’s and Tuesday’s posts.

There is a reason for everything! Ahaha 

  1. When do I take book photos?

I used to post on Instagram every single day, but it’s been difficult to maintain this schedule ever since my internship started and I prefer to dedicate more time to my blog and blog hopping, over Instagram. But I still take book photos to use on my blog. I always try to take a bunch of them in one go, this usually means that I only need one Saturday or Sunday morning to take enough photos that will last me at least 3-4 weeks. 


I already mentioned this in my previous post, but very quickly:

  • Red = post not yet written;
  • Yellow = written but not edited;
  • Green = edited and scheduled to go live! 
  • Gray = book releases (mostly to keep track of ARCs);
  • Purple = personal events (i.e. birthdays, anniversaries, etc.)


Google Keep used to be one of my main tools, but I slowly drifted away from it. I still use it sometimes to write down notes on books as I’m reading them to later use in my reviews.

Google Task on the other hand is very useful! Especially because you can pop the bar next to the calendar. I keep track of all my book tag nominations there. 🙂 [Thank you everyone who nominates me on book tag! I’m really horrible at doing them, but one day I will finally sit down and answer all of those fun questions! instead of coming up with my own… 😀

And that’s it for my blogging routine – from tools to organization! I hope you enjoyed this little series and found some helpful tips! Also, if you have any other questions or anything else you’d like to know about my routine, feel free to leave your questions in the comments below! 

I would love to hear how you organize your blogging! Do you have a certain routine you try to keep up with? How do you feel about blog schedules? Let’s chat in the comments below!

Connect with me on GoodReads | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

32 thoughts on “My Blogging Routing (Part 2) | Scheduling & Color Coding!

    1. It helped me tremendously, so hopefully, you’ll find the planning method that suits you as well 🙂 I try to keep the colors to a minimum, as I don’t like when the calendar looks too much like a rainbow 😀 but green, yellow and red definitely work for me and help me produce more content. Lol


  1. This is really cool! 🙂 So pretty and organized! While I do have my spreadsheet that I mentioned in your last post, I am definitely not this organized haha. Right now, I kind of just do what I can, when I can. I feel too much pressure lately, so I’m trying to go with a new approach to make it feel easy and fun again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A spreadsheet is VERY organized! 😀 I was afraid of excel for years, didn’t know how to work with. It was rather intimidating tbh. Lol [and still is sometimes]. That’s a good approach! I also try not to stress myself out too much atm, as there are already too many stress triggers in the world. ❤

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  2. youre so organized!!! 😯🙌 i only got into blogging last summer so its been a steep learning curve 👀 – blogging takes so much work and effort; im always like let me just write a quick blog post and then 3 hours later im still working on all the little details lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahaha, I definitely try to stay organized, but it very often fails me 😀 And omg, that’s so true!! I always try to prepare a bunch of blog posts in advance in just a couple of hours and then feel sad that I’m not able to even finish one of them. Lol

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  3. I thought I was organised until I read these posts… 😂😂😂 I do all the organising in my head but I do have a steady routine I guess.

    I draft all of my blog posts (weekly memes and reviews) for the week ahead on a Sunday but I suppose my big difference is that I write my book reviews on my tablet as soon as I finish a book. They get transferred to my blog on a Sunday so I’m not spending ages trying to recall the books I read in the past seven days.

    But I also take a full day out of every month to write up all my tagged posts or any discussion posts I feel like writing so I always have at least 10 drafted posts that get scheduled as and when I need them…
    I like to post every day:
    Sunday is a weekly wrap up
    Monday is GR Monday
    Tues is TTT
    So Wednesday through Saturday are for book reviews of books I read that past week and/or my tagged posts.

    Complicated? I don’t know.. but it works for me lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Let me just say that your head seems like a VERY organized place!!!! 😀 I used to have such a great memory, but now if I don’t write something down, it’s gone, forever. Lol

      Uh, I like the idea of writing reviews on a tablet! I’ve never really thought about that before :O I might try it this month.
      I wish I could sit down and write a bunch of posts… I always try to, and then write one or… none 😀

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      1. Oh gosh yes! When I first started writing reviews I used to do it on a laptop but then I bought my tablet and it’s all done on my notes app now. It’s just a much easier experience I find.

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  4. I’ve been doing pretty well with my bullet journal, but this is a great idea! You inspired me to give the Google calendar system a shot – it might be nice to plan in more detail more than a month in advance.

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    1. I looove watching bullet journal videos on YouTube! Everyone make them look so pretty, and I always failt to recreate 😀
      Hopefully you’ll like this system! 🙂 I sure can’t live without my google calendar anymore. Lol

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      1. Thanks! That’s definitely one thing I love about the bullet journal – I’m not the best artist, but it’s still fun to try different themes every month. It’s definitely fun to watch all the YouTube videos!
        I just inputted all my upcoming posts into google, and I think I might like it! Thanks 😊

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  5. It’s good to have a schedule isn’t it? I love having a schedule! 😀
    I love the colour coding… you make me want to create a Google Doc spread and make my plans look pretty! I still use a paper planner for scheduling because I can’t say goodbye to paper just yet.
    I start to get my posts ready on Fridays too! I usually have to finish on Sunday night, as I refuse to blog on Saturdays; I need one day away from my blog. But I blog hop every day, like you, to keep up with everything, and on the weekends (namely just Sunday) I get everything ready for the following week. It’s been working for me so far! 😀
    Again, loved reading this post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay!!! Even our “blog prep” schedules are similar! ❤ I try to take one day off blogging as well, so if I can have everything done on Friday night, which doesn't happen often, I usually dedicate more time to reading on the weekend and less time to social media. Then on Monday I already feel the urge to check what everyone else has been doing, it's an addiction. 😀

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      1. Yay! 😀 💞We’re very like-minded 😀
        Haha! That’s a way to put it; I agree though it is an addition, but a good one, you know? 🙂
        Oh I know come Sunday afternoon I’m like gotta check the blog! Catch up on what I missed this weekend! But I love taking Saturdays to just chill. There are some Saturdays were I don’t even turn my laptop on… those are good days!

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  6. This is actually ridiculously similar to what I use. My blogging schedule is the only thing I really track using Google Calander, everything else has to go in my physical planner for me to stay on top of it. In addition to the calendar, I use Evernote (instead of Google Keep) for my reading notes. I also have a physical review ‘to-do’ list in my planner for book reviews I need to catch up on.

    I always love seeing what other people are doing organisation-wise because it’s great to find things you can tweak into your own routines. Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So cool!!! 😀 That’s why I love to share these things, so (1) I can find people who use a similar method and (2) to maybe borrow someone else’s ideas and try them myself. ❤
      I used Evernote before as well, but I like how convenient Google Tools are, that I basically only need to log into my e-mail and have everything accessible on any PC. And thank you so much! 🙂


  7. Again, these are great!! 😀 I try to simplify my blogging method so I use the same tools I use for planning my normal life (Google Calendar and Notion) and I color-code my Calendar too, but not between the blog posts. Creating a schedule was the hardest so far. Life is unpredictable most times, and I can’t possibly post more than three times per week, and that’s hard already. I’ve managed to post twice weekly lately, but I don’t have my post for tomorrow ready yet (will I have? hahaha) and that’s lowkey stressing me out. I should probably start blog hopping a little bit every day, but I know, deep down, I wouldn’t keep up with it! xD

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      1. Everything, really! Right now, I use it for blogging (I write down my ideas, I can organize them, I can plan my content on a calendar there,…), I have my school schedule there, I used to keep track of my expenses when I was in Germany, I keep track of my to-do list for the Students Group, I used to keep track of my searching for an internship, etc 🙂


  8. Ahh Alex you are so organized, I love seeing your color-coded schedule so much ahh it’s amazing. Thank you so much for mentioning my post as well, that’s so sweet of you ❤ ❤
    I'm amazed that you try to blog hop and answer to comments every single day. I used to do that, too, but I've stopped a couple months ago because I just couldn't handle it every day, I didn't have time and it just made me feel bummed out and stressed out, so… I try to take it slower 🙂
    Loved this post! 🙂

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  9. Ahhhhh I can’t believe how far behind I am catching up on blog posts! It’s absolutely incredible that you’re able to produce such a wide variety of quality content (and your photos!! They’re always GORGEOUS 😍) on top of working a full time job with late hours AND sometimes weekend work? KILLING IT 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 One of these days I will be this organised 😭 Thanks again for sharing your organisation tips! 💛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much, hun ❤ This means so much! I love taking bookish photos but I definitely struggle as well quite a lot, so hearing these things is like the best praise ever! 🙂
      I feel like this might have made me look more organized that I actually am, lol. I don't actually think I'm THAT organized, but I definitely try.

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      1. Well I definitely can’t tell that you’re struggling with your photos – they’re always so gorgeous & it’s obvious you put a lot of time & effort into them! 😍 Ahahaha well you’re definitely more organised than Nish & I, so that’s something at least 😂

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  10. COMPLETELY off-topic, but I just stumbled on your blog, but are you Portuguese? I noticed the Portuguese notes on your schedule 🙈 Also, it’s funny how we have pretty similar methods, but I do it strictly on my bullet journal while you do it on your computer.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahah, sim 🙂 I just noticed recently that I tend to write all blog-related tasks in English, but other staff – work, life, study usually in Portuguese. ihih
      I wish I could make my bullet journal look all pretty, but I just…can’t. Lol So I gave up and moved on to the digital calendar instead.

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